Mass Firing of Mexican Union Leaders Leads to Hunger Strike

Workers in Mexico launched a hunger strike for justice at PKC autoparts plants. Credit: Javier Zuniga/Los Mineros

Workers in Mexico launched a hunger strike for justice at PKC autoparts plants. Credit: Javier Zuniga/Los Mineros

Eleven workers from PKC wire harness plants in Mexico launched a hunger strike yesterday. They were among 122 workers fired by the Finnish autoparts company in mid-December for what they say is retaliation for seeking to form a union. They plan to continue the hunger strike until they are reinstated and their right to trade union freedom is recognized.

The fired workers include 18 members of the executive committee of Local 307 of the National Mineworkers Union (Los Mineros). The union believes the action was in retaliation for their pro-union vote at a rigged representation election in October.

According to Los Mineros, “workers were called individually to the human resources office and told to sign a ‘voluntary’ resignation letter. Officials of the Federal Labor Board were present and encouraged the workers to sign.” The union says workers were told that “the company has decided it no longer needs your services.” Further, the dismissals were distributed across PKC’s five plants and not concentrated in a particular production line, a fact Los Mineros says shows the dismissals cannot be linked to the loss of a client order, which is often given as a reason for mass dismissals.

Ten workers at the plants, located in Ciudad Acuña, did not sign the resignation letters and with the union’s support, have filed legal demands for reinstatement with the Federal Labor Board.

The Border Workers Committee (Comité Fronterizo de Obreras, CFO) and Los Mineros, long-term partners in educating and assisting workers who wish to form independent unions, are working together on the organizing campaign, which has gained global support

Shortly after the company rejected Los Mineros’s request for collective bargaining in 2011, PKC announced that it had signed a contract with a corporate-backed “union,” CTM, to “protect” the company from other union interests.  After successful appeals by Los Mineros, the Mexican government authorized the union election, and in October 2012, the union won 2,311 votes.

All Los Mineros’s election observers were among those fired in December. International support—which includes IndustriALL, the metal workers unions in Finland and Sweden, the United Steelworkers (USW), the United Auto Workers (UAW) and the AFL-CIO—has exposed PKC’s efforts to impose a protection union and rig the election and a major Finnish television network ran an exposé on the company’s operations shortly before the corporation’s annual shareholder meeting.

Thailand: Police Get Manual to Combat Human Trafficking

Thai police will now be equipped with a detailed manual helping them identify and address human trafficking, a growing crime in many countries that involves forced labor or sexual exploitation. The Solidarity Center provided technical and financial support to the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) for the project. The HRDF then engaged in a series of lengthy consultations with a range of Thai government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to compile the 346-page guidebook.

Pol Gen Chatchawal Suksomjit, an adviser to the Royal Thai Police, said the U.S. State Department’s annual report on human trafficking “has become a wake-up call to improve efficiency of the Thai law enforcement agencies,” with the anti-trafficking manual for police part of the government’s efforts to address this crime, which undermines the most basic human rights.

For the past three years, Thailand has been on the State Department’s Tier 2 human trafficking “watch list,” which in part means that the absolute number of victims of severe forms of trafficking is “very significant or is significantly increasing.”

In the department’s 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report, Thailand is described as  “a source, destination and transit country for men, women and children subjected to forced labor” trafficking. Victims from neighboring countries, as well as from China, Vietnam, Russia, Uzbekistan and Fiji, migrate to Thailand for various reasons including to flee conditions of poverty. The bulk of migrant workers arrive from Burma.

Pol Gen Chatchawal has asked police nationwide to provide specific information to help systematically map potential trafficking sites.

In 2008, Thailand passed an anti-trafficking in persons act, and HRDF secretary Somchai Homlaor called on Thai police to be aware of the human rights aspect.

Globally, there are more than 21 million people in forced labor, including victims of trafficking, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO). The Asia-Pacific region accounts for the largest number of forced laborers in the world—11.7 million (56 percent) of the global total, according to the ILO. Africa is next at 3.7 million (18 percent), and Latin America with 1.8 million victims (9 percent).

The Solidarity Center works globally to eliminate all forms of worker exploitation and to build support for worker rights in partnership with trade unions, governments, and civil society to create community and workplace-based safe migration and counter-trafficking strategies that emphasize prevention, prosecution and protection.

LEDRIZ: Unions Create Democratic Space in Zimbabwe, Sources (2013)

The primary sources for this publication were first-person interviews conducted by the Solidarity Center in 2012. Additional sources are noted below.

DOMESTIC WORKERS: Winning Recognition and Protection, Sources (2013)

The primary sources for this publication were first-person interviews conducted by the Solidarity Center in 2012. Additional sources are noted below.

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