The Solidarity Center mourns the unexpected passing of Charan Komkhumtot, better known as Bualoi. Brother Bualoi worked for 13 years as an organizer for the Confederation of Thai Electrical Appliances, Electronic, Automobile and Metalworkers (TEAM), a longtime Solidarity Center partner.

Bualoi worked tirelessly to organize 138 local unions representing thousands of members along Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard, a regional hub for auto manufacturing, and helped to establish the Federation of Thailand Automobile Workers (TAW). He possessed a relentless passion for empowering both Thai and migrant workers to improve their standard of living and create a more just and democratic society. Bualoi was not only a highly skilled organizer but was also a trusted mentor to union leaders and activists throughout Thailand.

Prior to joining TEAM as an organizer, Bualoi served as president of the Seri Palko Plastic Workers’ Union. He passed away at the age of 51 on October 2 as a result of complications following heart surgery. He is survived by his wife and 14 year-old daughter. Nearly 1,000 workers and union activists attended his funeral.

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