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Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: +1.202-974-8383 Fax: +1.202.974.8384



For media queries, contact:

Kate Conradt Communications Director +1.202.974.8369

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Tools for Organizers in Export Processing Zones and Industries

Tools for Organizers in Export Processing Zones and Industries

Building worker power is fundamental to achieving worker rights, and organizing strong unions is fundamental to achieving worker power--and this hands-on guide gives trainers the tools they need to build unity and ultimately, change the rules of the game. Download...

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The Struggle for Worker Rights in Colombia (2006)

The Struggle for Worker Rights in Colombia (2006)

Colombian trade unionists face daily threats of violence and assassination, attempts by employers, paramilitaries, guerrillas and the state to stop dissent, silence workers and destroy the only mechanism that gives workers some control over their economic lives: their...

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