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Union Women Rock 16 Days of Activism Against GBVH

During the recent 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, workers and their unions from Honduras to Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Nigeria and Bangladesh made big gains raising awareness about gender-based violence and harassment at work (GBVH) and demanding that...

Publications and Interviews

Shawna Bader-Blau Organizing Domestic Workers: The Unfinished Business of Labor Movements(based on a speech before the International Domestic Workers Federation congress, November 17, 2018, Page 39) Future of Work Round Table: How Has the World of Work Changed?...

ILO Forced Labor Protocol in Effect Today

When the employer of a migrant domestic worker takes her passport and refuses to return it if she seeks to leave, that is forced labor. When a family works at a brick kiln to pay off a debt, their children prevented from attending school, that is forced labor. When...

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